The Video4Linux-API (V4L in short) is the Linux interface that is used to manage the CSI video input from the CSI-Camera. Most of those cameras are using I2C for futher configurations for the camera, which can be changed over the V4L-API in the following ways.
v4l-utils is required in order to execute the following examples properly by using
V4L allows the user to make further configurations on the Camera sensor to alter/improve the video stream settings.
The video device can be found in the /dev/ directory. If the camera correctly plugged in then there should be a device called /dev/videoX, where X is the camera id.
List available controls
Returns a list of available camera controls to change
Pleas note that other streaming tools can also intervene and change those settings and might be overwritten or not applied correctly.
Example Stream
The following screenshots are showing the difference between different exposure settings on a Raspberry PI IMX477 camera sensor that is connected via CSI on our JNX30M Carrierboard